Welcome to Hebrides.tv
Fàilte gu Hebrides TBh
Hebrides.TV was launched in 2007, taking the first steps in developing community based broadband television. Since then it has developed and continues to mould itself to reflect life on the Hebrides. Hebrides. TV showcases the Outer Hebrides and gives an interesting insight into the magical islands, providing a positive and friendly space for those who live or love the Outer Hebrides to post "Hebridean" content.
We would like to invite you to submit your video footage and allow others to take a glimpse of the emerging talent, inspiring landscapes, innovative businesses, premium produce and unforgettable events that we in the Hebrides are most proud of!
Se pròiseact ùr inntinneach a th'ann an Hebrides TBh a tha ri taisbeanadh an stuth bhideo as fheàrr mu, airson agus air a chuir ri chèile le Eileanaich.
Cuiribh fios thugainn ma tha stuth agaibh a bhiodh freagarrach airson Hebrides TBh, no ma tha sibh a' sireadh tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mun làrach no mu thrèanadh / uidheam.
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